Together, we can


suffering women globally

through the power of Christ and a tangible humanitarian effort.
Learn More

Meet urgent needs.

Share the love of Jesus.

Give them eternal hope.

IMAGINE being born into a culture where YOU HAVE NO VALUE... simply because you are FEMALE.

No value just because you are female

Forced to endure unspeakable circumstances, you live in hopelessness and despair with no visible way out.

  • Abuse
  • Poverty
  • Domestic Violence
  • Illiteracy
  • Slavery
  • Spiritual Darkness

God’s heart of mercy breaks for marginalized women who are oppressed, disadvantaged, and abused. May we reflect God's heart by showing love and mercy to suffering women globally.

we believe
Every woman has intrinsic value and deserves to have safety, peace, freedom, dignity, and identity.

Join Our Rescue Mission.


Appeal to God's heart of mercy for these women and their children and pray expectantly for His intervention.

Become an Awareness Advocate

Become an Awareness Advocate. Use your platform and influence to expose the plight of women.


Give a tax-deductible donation for food, water, clothing, medical supplies, toys, and gospel tracts.


Ministry Updates

You Are a Channel of Blessing
Summer 2023

If you want to know how YOU REALLY ARE a channel of blessing in the lives of widows and orphans, follow along with Heart of Mercy Mission as our Ukrainian partner, Pastor Y., and his staff share with you how you're reaching the refugee children from Ukraine.

Second Chance at Childhood: Ukrainian Children
April 2023

Think for a moment what it would be like for the Ukrainian children who have seen and experienced the terrors, the uncertainties of a war torn world. It's hard for them to imagine that there are those in this world who want to share laughter, hugs, fun and hope for their future. Heart of Mercy Mission has a special request to help support our Ukrainian partners reach out to them with God’s love, taking them to a safe place filled with other kids facing the same war situations, free to have a second chance at childhood.

Windows for Widows
Spring 2023

Did you know that there are 258 million widows in our world? 1.36 million are child widows, those that are under the age of 18! Most have no idea that there is a God who loves them, called “Defender of the Widows.” (Ps 68:5) Do our "small" efforts really do anything to improve this terrible situation? Read how our latest project, Windows for Widows IS making a difference.

Give a Generous Gift Today
Your love and generosity will be felt around the world. Proverbs 19:17 teaches us, "Those who are gracious to the poor lend to the Lord, and the Lord will fully repay them." Thank you for doing your part to show compassion by helping the helpless in the name of Jesus.
Make a tax-deductible donation