Windows for Widows

Spring 2023

Did you know that there are 258 million widows in our world? 1.36 million are child widows, those that are under the age of 18! Most have no idea that there is a God who loves them, called “Defender of the Widows.” (Ps 68:5)

Across the globe life changes radically for widows who are subjected to all kinds of cultural prejudice and injustice. They struggle with their loss while trying to survive supporting their families. Worldwide nearly one in ten widows live in extreme poverty.

They remain unseen, unsupported, and forgotten.

But no – they are never forgotten nor unseen by God, their Defender! James 1:27 describes “pure and undefiled religion” in His sight: - is to “care for orphans and widows in their distress.”

Thanks to generous contributions and are ministry partners in the Ukraine, Heart of Mercy Mission has been able to contribute generators in the coldest part of winter this year, continue to put food on the table for hundreds of women and their families, and present the Good News of Jesus to many young orphaned girls and boys at Christmas, spring and summer camps. Now your contributions will also enable our partners on the ground to buy windows for the homes of widows. Many refuse to leave their lifetime homes, so our partners drive 30 hours from Lithuania to Ukraine to gift the women with the windows HMM has been able to provide so they can stay in their home.

Here's the latest news from Pastor Y in the Ukraine:

Today we brought new windows for widows after bombed Herson city. A few days works and now mother and her kids can sleep well. We also gave food for 13 widows with small kids. Our team is working every day fixing roofs, doors, and windows. Thank you very much for supporting refugees’ widows and children in Ukraine.

Inseveral countries, like Asia and Africa, widows are accursed and endure dreadful discriminationExploited, cheated out of their husbands’ assets and property, accused of murder or witchcraft, left vulnerable to be victimized without laws or even family to protect them. Once their “owner” is no more, “husbandry” takes place; they become the woman of every male in the family. Often perceived as “carriers” of disease, they are subjected to “ritual cleansing practices” enduring bodily scarring with serious health consequences. However, the scars on their bodies are nothing in comparison to the scarring in their souls.

Heartof Mercy Mission is answering God’s call to “Rescue, Redeem and Restore” these women with a new special project for widows worldwide. Continue to follow us as we unveil how God wants to use HMM to pour out His love and His provision on the widows. Please consider giving generously to this new Heart of Mercy Mission project!

And may God richly repay you!

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Your love and generosity will be felt around the world. Proverbs 19:17 teaches us, "Those who are gracious to the poor lend to the Lord, and the Lord will fully repay them." Thank you for doing your part to show compassion by helping the helpless in the name of Jesus.
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